Manhole Rehabilitation

Culy Contracting has been rehabilitating brick, existing concrete, and newly constructed sanitary sewer structures since 2006. The protective coatings division services the entire Midwest region as well as southeastern states. Our talented team of employees undergo annual training with our manufacturers to stay up to date with quality control and the latest technologies within the industry.

Underground sewer utilities are rapidly aging and are going to continue to get worse. With the lack of funding many municipalities deal with annually does not allow for them to replace underground sewer infrastructure as they deteriorate. Manhole rehabilitation can allow utility owners to make necessary repairs at a more affordable cost. Rehabilitating sewer structures can provide a fast solution to owners. Culy Contracting has the knowledge and ability to provide cost saving solutions for issues utility owners face daily.

Cementitious Liner: Cementitious lining completely rehabilitates the entire manhole and provides a new “precast” like looking liner that is tightly bound within the existing structure. Cementitious products can be applied to brick and concrete structures with a build back up to five (5) inches thick in one pass. Before a cementitious liner can be installed, pressure washing the substrate and removing any foreign materials such as grease and dirt is necessary to provide a high-quality liner. Patching voided areas and sealing active infiltration is required to allow the cementitious liner to cure correctly and provide a monolithic liner. Cementitious lining can provide high strength and structural reinforcement to brick or precast manholes to mitigate infiltration issues to reduce the cost of treating clean water that finds its way into the collection system. Reinforcing brick manholes by cementitious lining can extend the life of the structure and having precast like characteristics. Cementitious liners are great to provide a cost-effective solution in low gravity fed residential area within a collection system that is not exposed to chemical attacks.

Epoxy Liner:  Epoxy liners are highly corrosion resistant to microbial induced issues such as hydrogen sulfide attacks as well as chemical attacks. Epoxy liners are specifically formulated for long-term protection subjected to high levels of corrosion. When owners opt to replace an old severely degraded structure that has been exposed to hydrogen sulfide attacks or chemical attacks, they should protect their newly installed structure with a corrosion resistant product such as an epoxy liner. Existing structures can be rehabilitated by stopping infiltration first by a variety of injection grouts, patching voided areas, and applying a cementitious liner as an underlayment to build back the structure to original substrate like condition. Applying a cementitious underlayment before epoxy application can help improve the quality of the liner as well as mitigating additional cost of epoxy to fill “bug holes” or “honeycombed” areas. Applying a cementitious underlayment before epoxy application creates a clean sound substrate for an epoxy to adhere to the manhole. Epoxy liners are a great option when dealing with a high hydrogen area within a collection system such as a force main, large sewer trunk line, industrial area, and near a collection system treatment plant.


Contact for Manhole Rehabilitation

Leyton Peavler, Project Manager- (765)-241-3872,

Jake Hart, Project Manager- (765)-241-3846,